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I'd just watched this film on a bus on my way to another city. I heard no audio, i think the bus' speakers were not working. But what i want to tell is, even through i hear no audio, i felt the messege of the film. The excitement, the pressure, and the pain when the youngngirl died. I don't know if all of the people on the bus were paying much attention on the five little screen, which only 4 of them really works. 

Soundless, but i heard the man said, "GOOOO." The emotions each character is showing is doubtless awesome. The rapid heartbeat when an officer was about to pull the trigger to bomb the house near the young girl. One cannot truly blame the young girl nor the officers in charge of the bombing, all of them were doing yhe best they could to serve the purposes of their own actions. And lastly, the thought of just waiting a little bit longer, could perhaps save the young girl's life.

This is what i love about this kind of films, it makes you feel the real essence of why are you watching it. It captures your attention and though you're not really into it, still because of the dramatic features and the plot. And instead of looking at the beautiful landscapes on the window, you would really don't want to move your head from the little screens.

Published: February 8, 2019


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