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In Worcester, Massachusetts, on the 5th of October of 1882, the man known to be the father of American rocketry was born – Robert Goddard. His father ran a small factory in the suburb of Boston, thus the family moved there passing his interest in scientific matters to his son.

At a young age, like his father – a scientific minded, Robert started to invent and experiment on flying or air-glide things. Famous for his new kinds of kites, he loved trying them out. Experimenting not only on the field of Physics and flight, Roberts also enjoys Chemistry and performed scientific tests in an attic workshop. Merging his love for flight and Chemistry, he tried to send up a hydrogen-filled aluminum balloon to the air, however he failed.

The question, where did Robert Goddard’s interest in rocketry began? – In Worcester, where his family returned there in 1898. There, he started reading science-fiction stories that deals with space travels where his interest dwells much more since.

At the time where rockets were used only as fireworks or as weapon for violence used in war, there were no really rockets for aerospace yet. But with Goddard’s beliefs and theories of a day when men might reach the moon or another planet by a piloted rocket, he spent almost all of his hours of his very life experimenting to make his views a reality.

Published: February 20, 2019
