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ANNE WITH AN 'E' S01E01 Review

Scrumptious. Agony. Wonderful. Cherry Blossoms. Red Hair. Ugly. Skinny, Freckles.

These are some of my fav terms Anne spelled with an "E" used to express herself on the pilot episode of its 1st season. I am delighted, or I should say "Enchante". It truly brought me to the wonders of living on a beautiful farmland like the Green Gable. Actually, I really did not catch where Green Gable is, I heard the word Australia in some of their conversation. But I am pretty sure it isn't the Down Under, for I saw no kangaroo or wild animals roaming around the fields. It's obviously not in the Great Britain nor Ireland - I heard none of their accents on this episode. Well, maybe in North America, but I am not sure whether in Canada or what state in the USA. Perhaps I'll find out on the next episode.

I like the way Anne speak herself, especially the one she had with Rachel. I laughed - it brought me great delight. The way she compose every sentence make me feel I am hearing stories of make-believe or of the talks of wonders. Of course, I must admit, I felt sorry for her experiences before she came to Green Gable. The moment she said that she never had the chance to be a child breaks my heart into pieces. 

To tell you the truth, I already watched the first 2 episodes of the second season. It was an honest mistake, I thought I was downloading the two episodes of the 1st season on Netflix because it first appeared on the selection. Well because of that - I knew about Nathaniel and his gold affair and the testing of soil on the Green Gable. But no more spoilers. That's it then. Cheers! Good night! (I can say good night because I had a good one, and I hope you had too.)


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