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Improve Language Experience

Learning a foreign language is good enough but learning 2 or more is learning a new experience!
You can always push yourself of having a whole new fun environment in learning languages. There's a lot more new methods to improve your speaking and writing ability that needs no expensive tutorials and buying language books.

You can always try tutorials, however if you want to enjoy more of your learning English experience, try watching English movies or tv series and don't forget to enable English subtitles - this aids you to improve your vocabularies and learning new terms and spellings and proper enunciation of difficult or unfamiliar words.

This method helps me a lot, I'm still learning new words which is kinda fun - it is cost efficient (because you're at home chilling) and it offers great opportunity to observe English culture and how and what terms they often use accordingly.
It is a kind of multitasking (in the best way) - you're at home watching films on your free time while also learning to improve your preferred language. Remember, this method also extendeds to any language you want to learn.

You need a reason why you want to learn a specific language, an objective to push you on reaching your goal: on my experience, as a frustrated language learner - I really want to express myself with a foreign languages like Spanish and French. Spanish because it was once used by the learned society of my country and some of the terms we use today are based on Spanish which is a good starting point in learning the language. I tried watching Spanish-speaking tv series while enabling English subtitles. It helps a lot in learning conversational terms!

To sum up, how does this method helps:
  • Easy and cost efficient - it's free
  • Proper enunciation ability
  • Watching your favorite films while learning
  • On the comfort of your home
  • Scheduling is flexible
  • No need to enroll in expensive tutorial
  • Opportunity to discover the language culture personally via observing their way of conversations
  • Applicable on your free time
  • Works on any language you want to learn
Published: April 9, 2019


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