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World News May 4, 2019

WORLD NEWS TODAY! After violent unrest, Venezuelans return to day-to-day struggle Unease political struggle plunged Venezuela into two-day of death-dealing violence this week, Naira Garcia - no trouble. Thai King's future plans 'unclear' - coronation begins On the throne for more two years, King Maha Vajiralongkorn begins the three-day centuries-old ceremonies. Bieber - YouTube: on top secret project Posting cover songs, Justin Bieber got his start on YouTube. Now - working together on a "top secret project." Sophie Turner, Joe Jonas: suprise wedding 29-year-old heartthrob married actress Sopie Turner, now 23. Billboard Music Awards follows a suprise wedding of the couple attented by some of music's biggest star in Las Vegas. 

World News May 3, 2019

WORLD NEWS TODAY! Exit costs rise, May seeks Brexit deal 'soon' Theresa May on Brexit deal stays hopeful to end the uncertainty of Britain's Brexit, reaching agreement with political opposition Over Huawei leak, UK defense minister sacked Gavin Williamson, UK Defense Secretary sacked by Theresa May, British Prime Minister after a probe on allowing Huawei of China to develop UK 5G network leak news. Uprising attempt sputters, Venezuelans take to streets Juan Guaido, opposition leader heeded Venezuelans to fill streets. Security forces dispersed crowd with tear gas.

Filipinos in the Middle East

Top destination for Filipino working abroad? That's the Middle East! But why? Is it because of the salary? Or the environment? Or the luxury? Filipino loves working, we know that already. But to choose the Middles East intrigues me. Why? Firstly, the Middle East (UAE, qatar, and Egypt) - the world's fastest growing construction market! Because of this, they need skilled workers and laborers at low cost plus able to communicate with them easily. As we all know, most Filipinos speak English and that's a catch. It's cheap for the employers but a fortune for Filipinos. A good example for that is the Engineering department. Filipino Engineers can earn a starting salary of Php 15,000 a month in a private company, suprisingly in the Middle East a Filipino Engineer can earn Php 60,000 to 100,000 per month! This kind of salary in the Philippines is for Top executives or the highest pay for a Proffesor in college. Domestic work, healthcare, construction labor, skille

Improve Language Experience

Learning a foreign language is good enough but learning 2 or more is learning a new experience! You can always push yourself of having a whole new fun environment in learning languages. There's a lot more new methods to improve your speaking and writing ability that needs no expensive tutorials and buying language books. You can always try tutorials, however if you want to enjoy more of your learning English experience, try watching English movies or tv series and don't forget to enable English subtitles - this aids you to improve your vocabularies and learning new terms and spellings and proper enunciation of difficult or unfamiliar words. This method helps me a lot, I'm still learning new words which is kinda fun - it is cost efficient (because you're at home chilling) and it offers great opportunity to observe English culture and how and what terms they often use accordingly. It is a kind of multitasking (in the best way) - you're at home wa

Origin of the Filipino Language

Filipino language has rich and I would say like a other languages - complicated. But Filipinos being who they are, adds flavour to everything. The Filipino is based on the language of the Tagalog or “taga ilog" or “of the river".  The Philippines is composed my thousands of islands, thus the country have many languages - some related to one another, some unique in many ways. Each province has its own or even more, plus the Europeans and the Americans “colonizers” also introduced their own, now creating misunderstandings to the Filipinos. Even before the Spanish era, it was the number one problem of the Filipinos - many provinces of the Philippines want independence from Spain but they couldn't easily unite as one because of language barrier which I think worsen because the Spanish only taught their language to the rich Filipino families unlike in Mexico. Still, even with language differences, 8 primary provinces revolted against Spain. ***just a not

The Best Time to Visit Gabon's Wonders

We all want our travel experience to be the best as possibly as one can! To make sure of that, we must double check the weather and the date of our trip on that specific place. We don't want to discover it's wonders soaked in muddy water or even with our own sweat! Yuck! So I suggest, for all who want to discover the amazing offers of Gabon, know the best time and date to enjoy yourself at Gabon. During tge month long of July - ranges between 20° and 28° C (68° and 82° F ) because the temperature at Gabon at this month is often cool and relaxing, thus more ease for traveling and for tourist to see the best places Gabon has to offer. Avoid the month of January, as per statistics, this months holds the hottest temperature of Gabon - with an average high at Libreville of 31° C (88° F ) and an average low of 23° C (73° F ).

ANNE WITH AN 'E' S01E02 Review

"Must obliged" I really must say, Anne with an E captivates audience, especially me - words not common to my ears lures me to watch more, plus the dramatic plot it conveys to the people. Also, I must admit that since I've wrongfully watched the first two episodes of the second season, I already have known that the Cuthberts are keeping as their own. What surprised me is that when Matthew said, "She is my daughter." The reaction on Anne's face was so powerful - from being an orphaned who belonged to no one to being a member of the Cuthberts which they allowed her write her own name on the family book. Well, again, I know they'll keep them, but still it was emotional.

ANNE WITH AN 'E' S01E01 Review

Scrumptious. Agony. Wonderful. Cherry Blossoms. Red Hair. Ugly. Skinny, Freckles. These are some of my fav terms Anne spelled with an "E" used to express herself on the pilot episode of its 1st season. I am delighted, or I should say " Enchante". It truly brought me to the wonders of living on a beautiful farmland like the Green Gable. Actually, I really did not catch where Green Gable is, I heard the word Australia in some of their conversation. But I am pretty sure it isn't the Down Under, for I saw no kangaroo or wild animals roaming around the fields. It's obviously not in the Great Britain nor Ireland - I heard none of their accents on this episode. Well, maybe in North America, but I am not sure whether in Canada or what state in the USA. Perhaps I'll find out on the next episode. I like the way Anne speak herself, especially the one she had with Rachel. I laughed - it brought me great delight. The way she compose every sentence mak


I would probably say, the civilization and the great empire of the Mongols bests suffice the question, " What is the most powerful, advanced, or otherwise impressive, civilization that doesn't get enough love?"  The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguos land empire in all of history, existed during the 13th and the 14th centuries. This empire shows its best in travelling and horseback riding, including breeding their animals. The Mongols are nomadic and often travel from one place to another. Doing this tradition, they travel with great number, it was like the city itself is travelling with carts and animals. These makes me believe that The Mongol Empire is powerful and impressive, however lacks of love and attention. The Empire only lasted about a century, then gradually splitting from one another. Published: March 2, 2019


In Worcester, Massachusetts, on the 5th of October of 1882, the man known to be the father of American rocketry was born – Robert Goddard. His father ran a small factory in the suburb of Boston, thus the family moved there passing his interest in scientific matters to his son. At a young age, like his father – a scientific minded, Robert started to invent and experiment on flying or air-glide things. Famous for his new kinds of kites, he loved trying them out. Experimenting not only on the field of Physics and flight, Roberts also enjoys Chemistry and performed scientific tests in an attic workshop. Merging his love for flight and Chemistry, he tried to send up a hydrogen-filled aluminum balloon to the air, however he failed. The question, where did Robert Goddard’s interest in rocketry began? – In Worcester, where his family returned there in 1898. There, he started reading science-fiction stories that deals with space travels where his interest dwells much more s


Roma is about a domestic helper and her relationship towards her masters. It portrays realistic concentration on both the help and the masters and their individual relations in love, insecurity, pain, and family. I love the scene when Cleo was serving the family while watching television, she also tried to sit with them. And when one of the children put his arm around Cleo, portraying love and happiness towards the help. Concluding the beautiful scene of masters and “domestic helper" in harmony with a request from one of the children to have some refreshments then follows many more request. Ending with Cleo going to the kitchen while her masters enjoys watching television. Published: February 20, 2019


Though both speak the Cebuano langugae, the people of Davao use the language a little different from Cebu. Also some words from Cebu cannot be understood in Davao. However, both have amazing beaches and people. The native people of Davao were highland tribes, each tribe is proud of their own heritage and culture and language. However, people from Visayas - mostly Cebuanos settled in Davao. As time goes by, these languages of the highland tribes and Cebuano were developed, creating a language a little unique from its origin. Published: February 11, 2019


Questions were asked if the Mechanical Engineering profession deals with pure mechanical alone, or does also study chemistry and other sciences. The big answer is YES! Mechanical engineers also study the chemistry behind the different materials they use in designing. Talking about Material Science, mechanical engineers delves into determining the best matetial for different applications. Though this is of material stength, but this mostly dependa on the chemistry of the material like the amount of Carbon, Zinc, Copper, Iron, and many more for testing support loads, stiffness, brittleness, and the like properties - which is very crucial for many construction, automobile, and medical materials. Published: February 10, 2019


At the top level. Almost everyone from all nations use and rely on media to get information. To add, some folk believe everything they saw in facebook is of absolute truth, but it's not. Sometimes, even on the tele. Historical accuracy is of utmost importance, this generation is relying solely on Media - Social Media and such. If we ain't doing it right, then history, as we know it today, might change tomorrow. Published: February 9, 2019


I'd just watched this film on a bus on my way to another city. I heard no audio, i think the bus' speakers were not working. But what i want to tell is, even through i hear no audio, i felt the messege of the film. The excitement, the pressure, and the pain when the youngngirl died. I don't know if all of the people on the bus were paying much attention on the five little screen, which only 4 of them really works.  Soundless, but i heard the man said, "GOOOO." The emotions each character is showing is doubtless awesome. The rapid heartbeat when an officer was about to pull the trigger to bomb the house near the young girl. One cannot truly blame the young girl nor the officers in charge of the bombing, all of them were doing yhe best they could to serve the purposes of their own actions. And lastly, the thought of just waiting a little bit longer, could perhaps save the young girl's life. This is what i love about this kind of films, it make


Learning the Filipino language is pretty fun and easy. It's a mix of native Filipino language and Spanish and English. Thus, if you know Filipino language, you can say that you know Spanish amd English as well. Think about this. Filipino loves borrowing words from it's colonizers. So, almost all Filipino words for all things present from before 1900s are from the Spanish like kutsara, plato, banyo, radio, sobrero and many more. Thus for the new invented things on today's modern technology, Filipino borrows from the English language. Like the internet, cellphone, computer, and the likes. All Filipino words for all things which came from Europe at the time when Philippines was under Spain are Spanish or a little modified Spanish. Now, to show that the Filipino language is also evolving: Charoot has may meaning, Filipino use this word for almost everything in replacement for the vulgar words and unknown terms. But most of the time it means, “just kidding


The son of Sigimer, a prince of the German nation, Arminius was celebrated as a symbol of German unity and freedom. He fought the Roman Empire while it was on its peak of power, remembering him as a liberator. As a child, Arminius was made hostage of the Roman Empire. Born a prince of tge Cherusci tribe, but raised in Rome. Taught to be in service to the Roman military, consequently he was granted Roman citizenship and later become a Roman knight. To aid the local governor Publius Quinctilius Varus in completing the Roman conquest of the Germanic tribes, Arminius was sent in Germania after his service with distinction in the Great Illyrian Revolt. With the trust of the governor and the Romans, Arminius managed to secretly prepared a Germanic revolt against Roman rule, ending in Teutoburg Forest with the ambush and destruction of 3 legions of the Roman army. Arminius fought off retaliatory invasions by Germanicus, a Roman general in the battles of Pontes, Longi,


Hearing someone say Greek words is interesting and sounds easy, but learning it is somewhat different. Reading ang writing the Greek language can be challenging. For beginners, learning the basic greetings and goodbyes is a step, also the key is listening and practice. There are great language apps available for free, you can start there and practice by watching Greek films with your mother tongue as subtitles. That way you can test your learnings. Some Greeks are bilingual or even multilingual, these happens to be a grear opportunity to learn the Greek Language from native speakers. You can contact Greek tutors that knows your mother tongue for better practice and easy learnings.  Published: January 29, 2019


The nation of Greece holds much history, and even the word "history" itself started there. Language and literature, Greeks got them. The beauty it offers overwhelms your heart completely. Tourist come and go. The artistry of their houses and the blueness of their seas. But what is the official language of the Greeks? Greeks are proud people. They speak their own language, they love their own. However, since schoolchildren start learning the English language in the 3rd grade, most Greeks under 40 years old are also bilingual or multilingual. So for tourist, no need to hassle yourself, they know English specially in the tourism department. But if you love their language, you are free to do so, speak clearly and slowly for better conversing. They will much appreciate if you try a little bit of their language, this is somewhat way of sharing your interest to them, also it offers respect. Greece's official language and spoke by 99% of the population is G


Brazil, as we all know - a great big nation in the South American Continent that expanded from the Amazon Basin in the north to vineyards and massive Iguaçu Falls in the south. However, the proud nation did start from the 15 donatry captaincy colonies, originally established on the Northeast Atlantic coast near the 46th Meridian West also known as Tordesillas Line of 1494 . This did put the boundary between neighboring colonies of the Spanish Crown. On the month of April, 1500 - as recorded, Pedro Álvares Cabral claimed the land for Portugal. Brazilians don't celebrate their discovery like it was a very big day for all of them - like it was the day that their story really began. NO! For the reason that their history reaches way past thousands of years before the Portuguese fleet came. The rich history of this land started with the indigenous people of Brazil. The region where the Portuguese explorers anchored was already inhabited by hundres of different tribes


Being an Emperor of a great big empire, requires attitude and ability! Would a nice person succeed as a Roman Emperor? The possibility is limited, as we can read throughout the history of the Roman Empire, few passed the requirements to be called “nice-person-successful-emperor”. I'm not saying it's not possible, but a leader must show aggressiveness in cases that needs seriousness and haste. Being a all-nice-person emperor, hmmm not that good enough. I'm saying an emperor of a great and big empire needs to master all attitude, to use each for different purpose and usage. Published: January 27, 2019


The historic site of Machu Picchu holds great wonders. With its high altitude, it will literally take your breath away. Amazing scenery plus rich history! Think about this, the time of creation - about 1450, location - ON A MOUNTAIN RIDGE of Eastern Cordillera of Southern Peru at 7,970 ft above sea level. The official name of this wonder is Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu of the Inca Civilization, and known to be “the lost city of the Incas". Published: January 26, 2019


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte or known to all Fililinos as “Du30" or “Tatay D" was so far, for almost all Filipinos to be the best President! For his first year in a 6 year term, he had proven himself a great leader. Projects were booming! The Department of Public Works and Highways and all goverment agencies are at its busiest. A post of Tet Gallardo on Facebook listed the 59 accomplishment of the President Duterte on his 1st term as the leader of a nation who wants change, this list was according to Sammy De Leon Deleña. All should know that these achievements were what the Filipino people yearn to have, for the past presidents showned much much less compared to what President Duterte is doing now. Here is the long (and suprising for Filipinos) list: 1. Philippimes external debt sheds $5.2B as of June 2017. 2. Highest PSEi closed at all time high 8,312.93 3. Crime rate in Manila dropped by 38% for the past 12 months. 4. Duterte’s Political Will c


The first European explorer to reach Hawaii is Captain James Cook of the Royal Navy, a British explorer, navigator and known to be a cartographer. Born to James Cook and Grace Pace on the 7th of November 1728 at Marton, United Kingdom. Married to Elizabeth Batts, and had six children. He sails past the island of Oahu, thus discovering the Hawaiian Islands on the 18th of January, 1778. To add, he even died in Hawaii upon his return on the 14th of February, 1779 at Kealakekue Bay, Hawaii, killed by a Hawaiian. If you look close on his signature, you can see his admiration to navigating, exploring great oceans,  and discovering new sea routes. Under his name was a cursive sway portraying restless waves. Published: January 25, 2019


To sing is a very common thing in the Philippines, and in fact when Filipinos were asked about why are there so many singers in their land, often they say “I don't know.” Studies suggest it is because of the culture and the choices of the song and music they prefer. But I want you to understand why the culture? One proof is their national anthem, Lupang Hinirang or known in English as Beloved Homeland. The anthem was originally Marcha Nacional Filipina or the Philippine National March. In 1898, its music was composed by Julian Felipe, however the lyrics added was originally Spanish based on a poem by Jose Palma, only on the year 1958 that it was translated to the Fililino language. What's with the anthem anyway? Does their national anthem helps them vocalized? The answer - YES! But before we jump to the reason why, let me first tell you the message of the song. Since it was known as a national march, marching music must be hard pounding and loud, however in thi


We know of modern banking to be easy and accessible, and safe. The words comes to our mind when we hear banking: ATM, deposit, withdraw, check, bills, credit cards, and such. What would be like without banking, or what would it be like when you were the one to establish the first ever bank and will continue to serve for 547 years and still counting! Principles of banking were used to ancient civilizations like Rome, like lending and borrowing money or such. At the time, Roman Empire is expanding, thus the development of banking also widened. But not until March 4,  1472, the first ever established bank was in the city state of Sienna, Italy by its magistrates. In fact, it is the 3rd largest bank in Italy and the oldest surviving bank in the world! The name of the bank is Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Continuing its service and operation since the year it was founded. Published: January


The Empire of the Ottoman greatly influenced lots of European and Asian nations like Turkey, th Balkan Peninsula, Persia, the Arab Nations, and such. This region of land absorbed and modified the culture of the Ottoman which evolved throughout time and with every land they conquered, some of their custom were altered. The language and literature of Turkish people for example had a very deep roots towards old members of the Ottoman Empire - the Persians, Arabs, and such. Even the poetry circulating around Turkish Court were widely influenced by Persian tradition. One cannot deny the architectural influence of the Ottoman to the beautiful building seen today in Turkey. It is greatly appreciated up to this date the elegance and strong mysteries of their caravanserais. And yes, Turkey had the eyes of a Ottoman towards arts and decorative arts. The curve and sway of their calligraphy, the little tiny beautiful details on their carpets which can bring you, which literal


Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, on the 10th of November, 1683, the man who became George II was born George Augustus. The son and heir of King George I , he was the last ruling British monarch that was born outside the British Isles, and this record still stands as the great grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and third in line of succession to the British throne, Prince George of Cambridge was born at London on the 22nd of July. 2013. The intelligent wife of George II was Carolina of Ansbach, who enermously influenced and persuaded him on retaining his father’s adviser, Sir Robert Walpole as the prime minister. Thus, damaging his capabilities as a strong politician. George II also was the last British monarch to command troops in the field during the War of the Austrian Succession in 1743. In comparison to his father King George I, George II played a bigger role in England’s foreign and military affairs.  Not far away from the British Isles, Prince Charles Edward Stuar


King George I was the great-grandson of James I and the very first King of England from the House of Hanover of Germany. On May 28, 1660, George I was born George Louis in Osnabrück, Hanover, Germany. After the death of his father in 1698, he succeeded as ruler of Hanover at the age 38. Consequently, upon the death of Queen Anne in 1714, he became king of England. Son and heir : George II Oddly speaking, it seems very strange that a foreigner from Germany should ever succeed to the British throne, however it is the fact. Since the England’s Act of Settlement of 1701 barred Catholics from becoming monarch, and since George was first and the nearest Protestant heir, it was well known to be right that he will take the throne of Britain. But he was not accepted by some of his people, mostly Scottish-Highlanders. In the year of 1715, George I, now King of England, stopped an uprising led by those who wished to restore the Stuarts, who are Catholic to the throne – the Jacobite


Glass has very unique and enigmatic tale to offer to the modern society. People of old used obsidian – a natural black volcanic glass for arrowheads, knives, ornaments, and as tools. However, there was a man so enchanted by its beauty, who was willing to pay a great sum of money to have it. In 37-68 A.D., this was the time of extravagance and excessive indulgence, a luxury-loving Emperor of Ancient Rome named Nero was so delighted by the beauty of these sparkling brightness that he spent 6,000 sesterces for only two small cups. That is about $2,500 on today’s currency! Who can deny the glistening luster of glass, as well as its many, many usages! Glass comes from rather peculiar properties, you see its base is pure silica sand. Now, what is silica sand? It is composed of the mineral quartz, which is a compound of the elements silicon and oxygen. To make it even better, soda ash and lime or potash and lime are added to the sand. These mixture act as fluxing agents or in ot


In the early Middle Ages traders traveling from city to city required protection from robbers. Even nobles generally turned highwaymen and robbed passing merchants. Nobles usually collected tolls from traders UN agency journeyed across their land. So, merchants banded along to safeguard lives and merchandise. The merchants of a city additionally needed protection against competition from different traders. A guild's main purpose was to carry a monopoly of trade. solely lodge members were allowed to try to to business in an exceedingly city. every lodge received a charter from the native king or lord. The charter gave the lodge this right of monopoly. A visiting bargainer might do business solely once he had received permission from the lodge of the city and had paid a high fee. Guilds had their own courts and settled quarrels between members. They mounted costs and set standards of weights, measures, and quality. Guilds were social clubs, too, with guildhalls whe

GOATS - the first hoofed animals to be tamed

Goats may have been the primary hoofed creatures that were ever subdued. Individuals still bring goats up in numerous spots all through the world. Various types of goats additionally live in nature. Like cows, goats are kept for their drain. They are additionally reared for meat, hair, and cover up. Many agreeable goats have been trai9ned to pull trucks. The most punctual goats were creatures of soak slopes and mountainsides in Asia. Later they spread to North Africa and southern Europe. The terrains they lived in were either hot and dry or cold and infertile, with few plants.  From these wild predecessors, household goats have acquired two uncommon characteristics. They are extremely surefooted. What's more, they will eat any plant material. Goats like grass, leaves, twigs, and berries. They will eat harsh desert plants and furthermore lichens. They may snack dry wood, rope, cotton fabric, and cigarettes.  When climbing, a wild goat can stick to the littlest ed